Super Mario Bros: Game Master

Synopsis: Create and play your very own Mario levels and worlds with this easy to use tool. Choose from an enormous assortment of objects and tiles to use.

Release Date: December 24, 2010

Genre: Platform/Level Editor

Download Game Download User Created Levels

User Created Levels

The Super Mario Bros: Game Master Levels Database was created in December of 2010 in order to allow people to easily upload and share their creations with the world. Due to how old and outdated this game is, the Super Mario Bros: Game Master Levels Database has been shut down. The User Created Levels download contains all levels that were uploaded to the official Super Mario Bros: Game Master Levels Database. Each folder in this download is named after the user that uploaded the file. To play these files, you need to extract the .lvl files to the Level folder, the .wld files to the World folder, and the MIDIs to the Music folder. Have fun!


  • Super Mario Bros: Game Master has been replaced with Mario Editor.
  • Super Mario Bros: Game Master was originally called Super Mario Bros: Level Master, and was released on June 22, 2009. On December 24, 2010, the game was updated with the ability to make world maps and standalone games, and was renamed to Game Master to reflect this.
  • The original Super Mario Bros: Level Master used a bloated and unreliable level format, which would occasionally corrupt itself. This problem was fixed in Game Master.
  • The Super Mario Bros: Game Master Levels Database was shut down on December 2015.
